Affordable, customizable, self-sustainable living were the key challenges we wanted to tackle. We felt our solution HAD to be a low investment in order to be accessible and enjoyed by people in middle and lower economic groups.
Residential architecture accounts for 21% of the energy consumption and 28% of carbon dioxide emissions created in the U.S. Harvesting energy and water from nature, using nontoxic, natural materials, and providing the owner with the possibility of growth and change, the modular home we created becomes part of the environ- ment and adapts with its inhabitants.
The home cost $100,000 including regionally appropriate energy systems. (2003)
We broke down the activities that you need/want to do within your home and tried to reach an ultimate minimum space for one or two people to live comfortably. We lived in NYC at the time and were very used to small space.
These are some of our models, explorations of ideas, bringing us to our modular shapes.
House plans and a sample description of how a NEST might adapt with a couple of owners.
The home also utilizes new building techniques - removable wall panels to access electricity and plumming easily (easier renovation anyone?) and interchangeable walls and windows within the same supporting structure for example.
+ Props: Thank you PSFK & Design Buzz